Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if coaching is right for me?
Coaching can be a great fit for many people at many different stages of life. If you are looking to make positive changes in your life and become more self-aware and self-aligned, coaching is right for you. If you are feeling stuck and looking to make a change, coaching is right for you. If you are curious about improving your relationships, coaching is right for you. If you are looking to get to know yourself better, coaching is right for you. If you have goals that you are working towards but haven’t yet reached, coaching is right for you.
What can I expect from the free consultation session?
In our discovery session, we will discuss what coaching is (and what it isn’t). I will learn more about you and answer any questions your may have, while discussing how I can collaborate with you through coaching. Finally, we will try out a brief coaching demo so you can see if it is right for you.
Once I decide to begin coaching, what is the meeting cadence? Is there a minimum commitment?
We will meet either 2 or 4 times a month, depending on the plan that works best for you. There is an initial 3-month commitment, and after that you can sign up for 1 month at a time.
What is the difference between therapy and coaching?
While there are many similarities between therapy and coaching, the biggest difference is that therapy deals in the past, while coaching deals in the future. Therapy covers mental illness, trauma, and addiction, whereas coaching does not. Coaching, instead, is future-thinking and goal-oriented.
What reasons might someone seek out coaching?
Each individual’s reason to start coaching is personal, but there are some common themes that include, but are not limited to:
Something urgent, compelling, or exciting is at stake (a challenge, stretch goal, or opportunity)
A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence, or resources
A desire to accelerate results
A lack of clarity with choices to be made
Success has started to become problematic
School/work and life are out of balance, creating unwanted consequences
Identifying core strengths and how to leverage them
Should my student take the ACT or SAT?
If your student has never taken either test, Treetop will provide them with a diagnostic test that helps determine which test is a better fit. All schools accept both tests, so it is primarily a matter of preference and performance capabilities.
How far in advance should I register my student with accommodations?
As early as possible! Registering with accommodations can be a bureaucratic nightmare, and it is necessary for a school counselor to file for accommodations on your student’s behalf. We recommend applying for accommodations at least 8 weeks out from the test date. Note: unless your student has a 504 or an IEP it is highly unlikely that the accommodations request will be granted.
How far in advance should we start tutoring?
We recommend starting tutoring a minimum of 8 weeks before the student’s first test date.
Does my child need tutoring?
The need for tutoring is entirely dependent on a student’s goals and starting point. While SAT/ ACT courses can be helpful (as can self-led studying), most students derive the most benefit from 1-on-1 tutoring, especially if they have learning differences. This is not only a result of hands-on attention from tutors, but also because of the structure that tutoring enforces.
When should my student test first?
Ideally in the spring of their junior year.
How many times should my students test?
Most students test 3 times total. Evidence shows that the largest score growth comes between the first and second attempt. Unless your student aces the test the first time around (which is quite unusual), we recommend testing AT LEAST twice.
When should my student start writing application essays?
We recommend students start writing their Personal Statement (which is required by almost every school) in the late spring of junior year or at the beginning of summer before senior year. Prompts for supplemental essays are typically released between July and August before senior year, and we recommend starting on those shortly thereafter.
Do you typically communicate with the parent or student?
As your student prepares to head off to college, we at Treetop like to support and promote independent behavior. To that end, we prefer communicating with students instead of parents when scheduling or for other appropriate matters.